Hey - come on in - the shop is open.
Ding ding! Don't mind that, that's just the bell on the door.


summer's shows of Who Here's Lost? at the Edinburgh Fringe and beyond were just wonderful, and as with Each of Us, I made a book of it for folk who didn't catch all the jokes (I go fast).

The book is 80 pages long, and has the full text of the show I performed at The Pleasance during the 2022 Edinburgh Fringe Festival (minus some ideas that came to me during the run). But there's also things from each of the previous four decades. There's the text of The Predicates from 2014; Glove Story from 2001, a short fable called The Flower Whose Petals Were Mirrors, written in 1991; and finally a comic monologue called Shipwreck, which I wrote as a student in 1988. And there's a Bit at the Back of the Book too.

It was once again excellently printed by Printbar and apologies again for any typos or flubs - they're all on me!
The cover is the terrific illustration by Jules Scheele which also was the poster in Edinburgh (based on a photograph by Andy Lane).
Each book is individually signed and numbered; the first edition of 400 copies has sold out and I'm onto a Second Edition of 300 copies.
I'll gladly write a dedication to you or someone you love or resent - there's a box during under the Paypal checkout which asks "Would you like a dedication?" and that's where you can tell me exactly what to write...

Oh, and even better, you get a free badge with the book! It asks clearly "who here's lost?" in the font they call Gotham - in either yellow on black or black on yellow (it will be the luck of the draw which one you get - exciting!).

Who Here's Lost? (and other things) costs just £7.00 (a 12.5% discount off the RRP of £8.00) plus postage and packaging of £2.00 for UK customers (First Class mail) and £6.00 for International customers (International Standard Airmail) meaning a UK customer pays a total of £9.00 and folk from everywhere else in the world pays a total of £13.00.

(Please Note: Due to the uncertainty caused by the imposition of local VAT charges and administration fees post-Brexit, export sales are currently suspended to EU countries. But email me and I may be able to provide you with an online reading and then send you a book as a free gift)


If you saw me perform it, and would now like to read it, this is where you can get your copy of 'Each of Us (And Other Things)' and other things.
Even if you didn't, you can still buy it here.

The book is 80 pages long and has the full text of the stage piece (plus or minus a few edits I made along the way). Then there's a short story called 'Please Wait Here' which I wrote for an art project called (Now that would be) Telling. Then there's a set of three love poems I wrote for various Valentine's Days. And a piece about a game I invented called Sartorial Mastermind for an Idler night at the ICA. Finally, there's a bit at the back of the book about various bits and bobs to do with the stage show and the nonsenses I passed along the way.

It was excellently printed by Printbar and I did all the proofing and layout myself so there may well be a few flubs - sorry!

Each book is individually signed and numbered; the current edition (the third) is limited to only 300 copies, which makes it rarer than the first and second editions.
I'll gladly write a dedication to you or someone you love - there's a box during under the Paypal checkout which asks "Would you like a dedication?" and that's where you can tell me exactly what to write...

Oh, and you get a free badge with the book - it says "each of us" in lovely Helvetica.

Each of Us (and other things) costs just £7.00 (a 12.5% discount off the RRP of £8.00) plus postage and packaging of £2.00 for UK customers (First Class mail) and £6.00 for International customers (Non-EU) (International Standard Airmail) so totals of £9.00 and £13.00.

(Please Note: Due to the uncertainty caused by the imposition of local VAT charges and administration fees post-Brexit, export sales are currently suspended to EU countries. But email me and I may be able to provide you with an online reading and then send you a book as a free gift) 

UPDATE: It's also available as an eBook for the Kindle from Amazon. This only contains the short story 'Each of Us' and none of the other things, but it is fairly cheap - Each of Us eBOOK

MORE TREES TO CLIMB - out of stock

You can also buy signed copies of the book More Trees to Climb here.

book badge

More Trees to Climb has the texts of 3 of my other solo shows as short stories. There's Coelacanth, Not Everything is Significant and A Supercollider for the Family. The brilliant Stewart Lee wrote an introduction to me and my work and again there's a bit at the back of the book, kind of like a DVD extra.
More Trees to Climb costs £8.00 (saving 20% from the RRP of £9.99) with postage and packaging of £2.00 per book in the UK, and £6.00 for International shipping, so totals of £10.00 and £14.00.

(Please Note: Due to the uncertainty caused by the imposition of local VAT charges and administration fees post-Brexit, export sales are currently suspended to EU countries. But email me and I may be able to provide you with an online reading and then send you a book as a free gift)

For that you get a signed copy of the book (and I'm happy to write any dedication you wish; maybe it's a present for someone?. If you leave no instructions in the box under the PayPal Button it will just contain a signature) and a free gift of an "I have more trees to climb" badge, posted to anywhere in the world, by First Class post in the UK and by Royal Mail Small Package Airmail abroad.


Now if you'd like  a combination of the books, it gets tricky for Paypal to understand, so in the drop-down menu it looks like the options at a Fast Food Restaurant.
You know how this sort of thing works.

NEW COMBO 1 Who Here's Lost? & More Trees to Climb - UK Customers - £17.00 / International Customers (Non-EU) - £22.00

NEW COMBO 2 Who Here's Lost? & Each of Us - UK Customers - £15.00 / International Customers (Non-EU) - £21.00

NEW COMBO 3 Each of Us & More Trees to Climb - UK Customers - £17.00 / International Customers (Non-EU) - £22.00

NEW COMBO 4  Who Here's Lost? & Each of Us & More Trees to Climb - UK Customers - £23.00 / International Customers (Non-EU) - £29.00

You automatically get a £1.00 discount for buying more than one item - that's cool, right?
For the combo book packs I've kept P&P costs to a flat £3.00 for the UK and £8.00 for worldwide.

(Please Note: Due to the uncertainty caused by the imposition of local VAT charges and administration fees post-Brexit, export sales are currently suspended to EU countries. But email me and I may be able to provide you with an online reading and then send you a books as a free gift)

All the combinations feature extra free gifts of limited edition badges, maybe a postcard, some new bit of writing or something.


And I am also selling a Compact Disc called Almost the Right People. It's full of music by Simon Oakes and his various collaborators in his bands Grand Western and Suns of the Tundra. He was in Rock Monsters 'Peach' (an offshoot of 'Tool') and he's written the scores to my shows for many many years now. In 2009 we put together a selection of tracks from the soundtracks of the stage pieces along with music he developed inspired by my stories and it's a lovely thing.

cd cover
atrp in

The CD costs £5.00 with postage and packing of £2.00 per CD in the UK and £6.00 for International Customers, making a total to you of £7.00 per disc for domestic customers and £11.00 per disc for international customers. They come shrink-wrapped in glamorous plastic, so there's all that fun of opening it to look forward to.

(Please Note: Due to the uncertainty caused by the imposition of local VAT charges and administration fees post-Brexit, export sales are currently suspended to EU countries. But email me and I may be able to provide you with an online reading and then send you a CD as a free gift)


If you've seen Pronoun Trouble (or even if you haven't) you may be in desperate need of a collection of badges displaying some of the key words from the show. 
Well, your desperation ends now, as I'm selling packs of five badges to satisfy your empty lapels.


They are 25mm in diameter and say "duck season," "rabbit season," "laundrette," "launderette" and "pronoun trouble," all in post-modern lower case text, and are made of a metal.
Each set comes in a small clear plastic wallet, and is priced at just £4.00 plus £1.50 postage and packaging for the UK and £5.00 postage and packaging worldwide, making a total of £5.50 for UK customers and £9.00 for Non-EU international customers.
Badges are way cool.

(Please Note: Due to the uncertainty caused by the imposition of local VAT charges and administration fees post-Brexit, export sales are currently suspended to EU countries. But email me and I may be able to provide you with an online reading and then send you a badgeset as a free gift)

And if you'd like a video download of the show to go with a set of badges, I can sell you that too.
A recording of Pronoun Trouble was made by the excellent people at Go Faster Stripe at Chapter Arts, Cardiff on 24th February 2018 and can be yours to own forever. Here's a couple of screen captures:


It's super-nice and comes with extras - and is totally available from the GFS shop page HERE.
But if you'd like me to send you an envelope with a pre-approved download code (and instructions on how to get the show) as well as a set of badges, I can do that for you today for the low, low price of £7.00. Plus £1.50 postage and packaging for the UK and £5.00 postage and packaging worldwide, making a total of £8.50 for UK customers and £12.00 for Non-EU international customers.

(Please Note: Due to the uncertainty caused by the imposition of local VAT charges and administration fees post-Brexit, export sales are currently suspended to EU countries. But email me and I may be able to provide you with an online reading and then send you a badgeset and link as a free gift)

If you hate hanging around for post to arrive and can't wait to get your eyes on the show, do please purchase it from GFS - it's cheaper but they don't have the badges!


So OK, now here comes the actual shopping bit.

Choose your location in terms of either the United Kingdom or literally everywhere else on this green Earth, and then use the menu to select your purchases below, add them to your cart and, with a swift click, you'll go to a secure page at PayPal and they will sort out your payment.
Like a pal.



Books, CDs, Downloads and Badges
Would you like a dedication?


Books, CDs, Downloads and Badges
Would you like a dedication?


Once I receive details of an order through Paypal I'll send you a confirmation email from and let you know when your item(s) is (are) going into the post. Any problems with your order, please contact me on that address.

Who Here's Lost? is available at  Go Faster Stripe, Word on the Water, and Bookseller Crow on the Hill.
Each of Us is also available at Go Faster Stripe, Word on the Water, and Bookseller Crow on the Hill.
More Trees to Climb is only available still at all good bookshops (and that's how you can tell it's a good book shop).
Or of course you can buy it from (slightly cheaper, but not signed, and without any free gifts) here
Almost the Right People and more of the music of Simon Oakes and Suns of the Tundra can be found on their Facebook page.
Happy shopping, and may I say how well you're looking today?


In addition to EACH OF US being self-published as a Kindle eBook, I've also put on sale at Amazon the texts of POPPY DAY (my show from 1999), MY LAST WEEK WITH MODOLIA (from 1998) and "TWELVE!" (my 1996 show). They are about a pound each and really, they're for completists only - they each contain some brilliantly bad jokes for which I can only apologise. But maybe you'd like them.

UK customers can buy them from the Amazon Ben Moor Page.

Residents of other countries should search their own Amazon Kindle sites - they're there somewhere!


By making a purchase here, and by using PayPal, you are inevitably providing me with data, and I assume you do this with explicit consent.

Otherwise how would I get your stuff to you?
PayPal has its own Privacy Policy and you can read it here.
To learn how I collect, process and maintain your data, please check out my Data and Privacy Notice, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to email either or
Thank you again!